Who can join RHG?
Membership of the Retirement Housing Group is open to retirement housing developers and housing managers, both Registered Social Landlords and private sector. Companies or organisations involved in the building, management and provision of housing-related advice for people of retirement age and over can also be members. Our current membership includes the largest UK retirement housing operators by volume, major care home operators, planning consultants, lawyers and architects.
For a copy of the constitution of the RHG, click here.
And our latest Annual Report can be found here.

Reasons to join
There are many reasons to join RHG. Click here for the ones we think are the most important.
What are the benefits of membership?
By joining the Retirement Housing Group you get:
As a member you get input into the policy for the UK retirement housing sector as RHG
- Make representations to decision-makers on issues that affect the retirement housing sector
- Provide strategic policy input on key retirement housing issues
This reports:
- The latest developments in housing, planning, social care and health policy.
- Key economic and market impact on the retirement housing sector.
These include:
- Publishing reports and papers
- Running programmes of activities, including research and seminars focusing on the need for specialist housing for older people
- Briefing members on key policy initiatives
At the meeting you get:
- Briefings from influential guest speakers.
- Updates on new and current issues affecting members’ businesses.
- Networking opportunities with key players in the sector.
- Meetings held via Zoom or at central London offices.
The RHG housing needs assessment model estimates older persons’ demand for housing based on tenure and propensity to move. We can undertake modelling at District Council level and above. The needs assessment model underpins our heatmap work.
Member companies have information about them displayed on the website here. They can also display current developments that they have available.
What does it cost?
There is an annual membership subscription which at the current rate ranges from £750 + VAT for small organisations up to £3,000 plus VAT for larger provider/ manager schemes.
Smaller and new businesses may be eligible to pay initially by instalments – please ask us about this.
Join RHG
If you are interested in joining RHG, you are very welcome to attend a meeting first to meet other members and get an idea of how we operate. If you would like to come to a meeting or talk to someone about membership, please contact us.