On behalf of the Retirement Housing Group, Kathleen Dunmore and Julia Atkins gave evidence to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing for Care as part of the APPG’s analysis of “Rental Housing for an Ageing Population”. The review highlights that people who are private renters in middle age are unlikely to be able to afford to continue renting in the private sector in later life and suggests that there is a need to build 21,000 social rented specialist older persons housing units a year to house ageing private renters plus a further 5,000 units a year for downsizers currently living in social rented general needs properties and a further 12,000 units a year for older renters with disabilities.
See https://www.housinglin.org.uk/Topics/type/HAPPI-5-Rental-Housing-for-an-Ageing-Population/. The APPG report was sponsored by Peabody.