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Churchill Living

Churchill Living is a family-run business that builds, maintains, and manages specialist retirement housing communities throughout the UK. We offer our customers an unbroken relationship from first purchase, through estate management and lifestyle support during ownership, and through re-sales when that time comes.

Founded in 1994 by two brothers, Spencer and Clinton McCarthy, Churchill Retirement Living now has circa. 10,000 older people living in its communities and is the second largest private provider of specialist retirement housing in the UK.

Within the Churchill Group is Churchill Estates Management, which provides on-site, in-house management services on Churchill and other retirement communities; our in-house Churchill Sales and Lettings which looks after resales and rentals for homeowners; and Churchill Careline, the company’s in-house 24hour emergency call service which makes sure help and support is available to our homeowners at the press of button.

Churchill Living has a top 5-star rating for customer service following independent surveys carried out by the Home Builders Federation (HBF) and the National House Building Council (NHBC). Nine out of ten people who have bought a property from Churchill would recommend doing so to others. Churchill Retirement Living has also been ranked 4th, 3rd and 2nd in the in the annual Sunday Times ‘Top 100 Best Companies to Work For’.

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