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Why Join RHG?

The Retirement Housing Group UK (RHG.UK) is a membership organisation working in the property industry. Our aim is to increase housing choices for older people by advancing and promoting the case for more and better retirement housing across all types and tenures.

We work both nationally and locally on raising the profile of retirement housing and tackling barriers to increase its supply, range and quality. Our key activities include improving planning, housing, legal and housing management policy by bringing issues and solutions to opinion-formers.

We are a unique and lively group – here are the top 10 reasons for being part of RHG.


We are the oldest and most established UK trade body representing the UK retirement living sector and have been operating since 1995.


We are the only dedicated UK trade body representing the whole retirement living sector. We promote all types of retirement housing, from housing with support through to housing with care and retirement villages


Our members include the largest retirement housing operators by volume and are responsible for more than 70% of all retirement housing built over the past 10 years, as well as major care home operators.


We can help you grow your organisation by providing expert advice and guidance on all aspects of retirement living. We cover the full range of issues in our discussions including planning, design, construction, and management; providing advice on housing for both sale and rent. Our members include the country’s leading and largest developers and operators, plus planning, technical, design and legal experts.


Our aim is to tackle the barriers to increasing the supply, range and quality of retirement living developments. By bringing issues and solutions to opinion formers, government officials and other relevant stakeholders, we are able to influence policies on planning, housing, and the economy which will help your business.


We provide industry-leading intelligence and representation across the retirement housing sector, particularly through our weekly newsletter capturing key issues, regulations and policies, both current and emerging, impacting the sector.


We hold four general meetings each year plus other discussions on specific topics and occasional conferences. These provide unique and valuable opportunities for the exchange of ideas.


We provide guidance, advice and toolkits, including the RHG Needs Assessment Model that estimates demand for specialist retirement housing.


We have the lowest membership fees of all the retirement living sector’s trade bodies. Membership is open to all private and public sector bodies right across the retirement living industry.


We engage with central and local government, including, for example, the APPG on Housing and Care, to emphasise the social and economic benefits to local communities that flow from retirement housing and to demonstrate how barriers to development can be overcome. We were represented on the recent Older Peoples’ Housing Task Force and RHG continues to be a part of the resultant work groups. We have close links with across the retirement sector, including with other relevant stakeholders and trade groups (e.g., the HBF, CIH, RTPI,).

Join RHG

If you are interested in joining RHG, you are very welcome to attend a meeting first to meet other members and get an idea of how we operate. If you would like to come to a meeting or talk to someone about membership, please contact us.